Join a pre-vetted community of tech operators actively looking to unlock value in startups and each other.
Looking to boost your income in 2025 without leaving your full-time job? Explore practical strategies like freelancing, consulting, and online businesses, plus tips for managing your time and avoiding burnout. From finding gigs to building passive income streams, this guide has everything you need to reach your financial goals.
Discover how fractional jobs are reshaping the workforce in 2025. Learn about flexible, part-time roles that let professionals provide high-level expertise to multiple companies. Explore their benefits for businesses and individuals, the most common fractional roles, and why this work model is gaining popularity across industries.
Discover the key differences between a fractional CMO and a full-time CMO to make the best decision for your business. Learn how each role impacts commitment, cost, and involvement, and explore the benefits of fractional leadership for startups and growing companies versus the long-term value of a full-time executive.
Learn about the role of a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) and why it’s crucial for business success. This article explores the CMO's responsibilities, from strategic planning and brand management to data-driven marketing and team leadership. Discover the essential skills needed to excel in this executive position and how the CMO aligns marketing efforts with broader business goals to drive growth and profitability.
This article explores actionable steps to foster growth and elevate your consulting practice, with insights and practical examples along the way.
In this episode of Landa Talks, Annamaria Pino shares her transition into consulting, her unique multicultural background, and the strategic methods she has developed along her path to success.